To suit your materials testing requirements the OmniTest range is available as five models of single-column materials tester (0.5 kN, 1 kN, 2.5 kN, 5 kN or 7.5 kN) and as 3 models of a dual-column tester (10 kN, 25 kN and 50 kN).
Designed for versatility and ease-of-use the OmniTest will appeal to users, whatever their skill or experience.
They all fit comfortably on your bench-top, making them ideal for use in QC and R&D laboratories.
All OmniTest models are controlled by VectorPro MT software running on a PC.
OmniTest delivers consistency and reliability by controlling the key test parameters of stress/strain, force/displacement and speed/load rate.
Whether you need to know the Young's Modulus, Offset Yield, Ultimate Tensile Strength or a whole host of other materials characteristics, the OmniTest has got you covered.

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