The controller and measuring unit ensure high performance and accuracy of the force, length, and time measuring. The operator's panel is a 10.4" high resolution (1024x786), TFT-color industrial touch screen with PCAP technology, embedded in a rugged aluminum housing.
The controller has additional digital and analog I/O's, USB and Ethernet interfaces. A comprehensive software package allows manual operation modes as well as predefined test runs. Test results are saved in the controller and can be downloaded with any web browser to your PC or company network in various formats to be processed for example in CAQ software, MsExcel or LabView/Diadem and other common programs.
New test plans can be uploaded via web browser. The Alluris website offers a multitude of validated test plans. This web portal enables also to create your own test plans with help of an easy to handle flowchart based editor. Therefore the FMT-313 ForceTester can be used in laboratory environment for material and component testing as well as for field applications and quality assurance alongside the manufacturing process.

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